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(四川大学 水力学与山区河流开发保护国家重点实验室 水利水电学院)
Experimental Study on Channel Response with Different Flow and Sediment Conditions in Mountain River
(State Key Lab. of Hydraulics and Mountain River Eng.,College of Water Resource & Hydropower,Sichuan Univ.)
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投稿时间:2016-08-23    修订日期:2016-12-31
中文摘要: 山区河流受季节性水文条件及产沙过程的影响,水沙条件变化频繁。尤其是暴雨山洪频繁挟带大量泥沙进入河道,从而引起河床急剧调整。本文以龙溪河典型河段为研究对象,通过调查天然河道的地形、床沙组成及来水来沙特性,开展系列水沙模型试验,突出分析来水来沙条件变化的河床响应。试验包括不同流量下清水冲刷和恒定流量下改变泥沙补给条件两种对比方案。以泥沙起动条件的沙莫夫公式判定方法,分析比较了不同工况条件下的断面泥沙起动流速和水流运动平均流速的关系,揭示不同断面间泥沙冲淤特性及河床变形特点。在此基础上,探讨河道沿程水位变化及致灾范围,对比分析表明,龙溪河在清水来流条件下,即使通过最大流量300 m3/s,洪水位也未超过龙池镇堤防高程,即清水来流条件一般不会影响龙池镇的防洪安全。若大量泥沙下泄至主河道,龙池镇段由于河床比降变缓与河道展宽等床面形态的变化,水流平均流速显著降低,携沙能力减小,引起大量泥沙淤积,致使水位陡增,甚至出现漫滩现象,存在显著的防洪安全隐患。随着泥沙补给量的不断增加,河床不同区域输沙动力的调整制约了泥沙的输移距离,从而引起局部区域河床的淤堵,并导致洪水位的增加,甚至产生漫滩洪水并诱发洪水灾害。研究表明,山区河流泥沙补给对河床响应及水沙灾害具有重大的影响,来水来沙变化下的水沙运动致灾机理亟需深入研究。
Abstract:The conditions of incoming water and sediment changes frequently as the result of earthquake,rainstorm,landslide,debris flow and other disasters.Riverbed clogging and overbank flood caused by these changes can lead to destructive flood disasters.In order to analyze the influences of variable conditions of incoming water and sediment on the channel deformation and flood water-level,the motions of flow-sediment of a typical channel in Longxi River of Min River’s tributary reach was investigated and physically simulated on the basis of the research of topography,the composition of bed material and the characteristics of water-sediment condition.Furthermore,the flood disaster mechanism induced by the dual fuction between flow-sediment and channel responses actions was pointed out.There were two schemes involving pure water and sediment laden flow,and seven test conditions were carried out.Sharmov formula was used to calculate the incipient velocity of sediment compared with mean velocity at across sections.The elevation diagrams of three across-sections was drawn as well as hydrographs along the river.The analysis indicatesd that the flood control safety of Longchi Town could not be affected by pure water.On the contrary,the mean velocity reduces dramatically and the flood inundats the bank when a great deal of sediment flow down with the flood,because the gradient decreased and the river width became wider in this reach.The results highlighted the important role of the sediment supply in mountain rivers and showed that the adjustment of the riverbed transport sediment dynamic of different regions controled the sediment transport distance with the increasing amount of sediment supply, causing local riverbed clogging, leading to an increase of flood level and even overbank flood and flood disaster.
文章编号:201600839     中图分类号:    文献标志码:
Zheng Yuanyu,Wang Huifeng,Wang Haizhou,Wang Xiekang.Experimental Study on Channel Response with Different Flow and Sediment Conditions in Mountain River[J].Advanced Engineering Sciences,2017,49(Z1):8-13.